Friday, April 30, 2010




Ape nk jd dgn laki zmn skrg?
Laki melayu pun dh mngecewakn
apatah lg laki Mat Salleh.
Td an mmg bengang ah aku dgn sorang laki ni.
(Melayu la.. xkn Mat Salleh kot. Hahaha)
(Aku rse la Melayu. haha.. kalo cina cm plik lak)
Mmg phsyco ke ape.
Desperate kot.
Ntah la.

Tiba2 je msg aku. Dhla aku xknal.
Nme die Iman. 21 thun.
Aku ingt an Aiman ke. Mgkin die saje
gne Iman as in I-man. I tu pronounce cm
dlm Bi jd bnyi cm Aiman ah an.
Rpenye org len.
Abg sape tah die 2.
Abg Imaya arzman ke ape.
Klas 5 aset. Die kata die dpt no aku
dr mjalah sek. 

(cmne tah eja die)
(kalo slh sori ye)

Anyway mle cm polite ah kata mntak maaf kalo x ske
sume 2. Aku ckp ah aku x ske knal laki
mlalui phone. Lps 2 die mntak maaf ah n ckp bye sume.
Mse 2 aku ym Syaza tnye die knal x bdk imaya 2.
Syaz kata die x knal.
Aku cter abg die msg sume.
Aku bru je puji ckp die polite ah gak sbb mntak maaf sume 2.
Tiba2 die msg lg ckp die frust ah x dpt knal
aku dgn lbih rpt.

Ape pnye laki!!!
Mne pegi maruah laki die ntah.

Ade ke patot. Td ckp mntak maaf sume n xnk kaco
dh tp kaco gak. Ape ah. X pegang janji ah.
Mngecewakn btol.
Aku ckp ah lbih baik jgn knal sbb aku ni gloomy.
Ske kt laki ceria je sbb trlalu moody.
Aku ckp ah x ske ah knal laki mlalui msg ni sume.

Lps 2 die ckp ah die ceria sgt n friendly la..
Blah la wei!!!
aku ckp ah aku x ske msg dgn laki x knal. Rse
cm dosa lak. Lps 2 die cm mrh.
Die ckp "Adoi!! pmpuan cntik msti cmni.
X smestinya knal dgn cara cmni x ikhlas".

What the heck!!!
R u kidding me??!!!
(pakin hentam je ejaan)

Aku dh pns dh mse 2.
Dhla kaco org lps 2 byk songeh lak.
Mmg nk kne ah ni.
Aku ckp"Ikhlas ek? (Kalo la cntik) abis 2 knp
dlm byk2 pmpuan plih yg cntik gak?
Ikhlas apenye? sori la ye tp sye bkn tolak
sbb rupa sye tp sbb sye x brminat n
sye x dididik utk mggatal dgn laki".

Ambik ko!!!

Lps 2  die leh ckp "sye x pndg awk cntik pun".
(What the heck??!!)
(Pdehal bru td ckp "Adoi!! Pmpuan cntik msti cmni)
Ape bnde ah!!
Lps 2 ckp "Kwn biar beribu. Org yg sombong x ke mne.
Hellooo!!! Tolong skit kalo nk kwn kne kwn dgn
dgn cara yg btol. Ade ke tiba2 msg org yg x knal.
Ye ah nk kwn kne ah dpn2 an sbb mlalui msg
kte xtaw org 2 cmne expresi mke sume 2.
So ssh nk taw die tipu ke x.
Ntah2 org yg nk kwn 2 pervert ke stalker ke.

Aku lg ah brasap bce msg 2.
Aku jwb "Nk kwn ek? Kalo cmtu gi la cri no laki2
kt mjalah 2. Ade byk laki yg leh wat kwn. Yg nk cri no
pmpuan 2 apsl?"

Lps 2 die gi jwb "Dh kwn dh pun. Awk je yg trakhir".
Die ni ingt aku ni bodoh ke giler?
Woi!!! Skolah 2 ade brape rmai bdk laki form5 xkn
ko leh msg dgn sume laki 2 kot. Mmbazir kdit ade ah!!
Kalo aku yg trakhir msti mksud die sume bdk pmpuan
len pun die dh kntek.
Aku tnye Syaz die pun x knal sape Iman 2.

Aku dh pns baran dh.
Xde ah pns sgt tp mmg rse mrh ah mse 2.
Ingt aku ni pmpuan bodoh mne ke?
Hellooo!! Watpe ah aku msuk aliran sains kalo
aku taw aku ni bodoh?
(Walopon mle2 2 asyik fail je subjek sains tp last2 pas gak)

Aku ckp ah "Sye yg trakhir ek? Sye dh tnye kwn skelas
sye pmpuan gak. Die kata xknal awk pun. So sye
bkn la yg trakhir".
Lps 2 die cm give ah sume 2 n die mntak maaf ah
Ade ape lg ntah die ckp.
Aku pun mntak maaf ah kalo ksr td sume n
aku suro jgn msg dh.
Lps 2 die dh x msg.
dhla mse 2 aku tgh enjoy tgk 2pm pne show "Wild bunny".
Tiba2 lak leh ske Taekyeon.
Die 2 cm ceria ah.
Gue ske.
Tp artis mmg ah kne ceria an.
X smestinye Minho 2..
ok2 dh mlayang ke tmpat len dh ni.


Mmg ah pristiwa td mmg wat aku mrh.
nsib baik aku smbung blk tgk Taekyeon.
Sjuk skit ati.

(Adibah: Bkn kte ke yg minat Taekyeon dlu?)
(Aku: Ske ati aku la aku nk minat sape)


(Pdehal Dibah x ckp pun cmtu)

Peace out!!! 

Monday, April 26, 2010




Smlm aku, Dibah n Bella gi Sg. Congkak.
Member2 len x gi tp lg best kalo depe gi
sbb mkcik Bella 2 bkn nk lyn kteorg sgt.
Syok mandi sungai je. Mcm x prnh mandi sungai.
Adoi! Apela nk jd dgn mkcik Bella kte ni?
Aku x mandi tp msuk gak lak sungai. Kaki dgn tgn je la. Bdn x.
Hahaha.. So suar bsh skit ah. Bju I selamat.
Aku n Dibah duduk kt batu n sembang2.
Mcm2la smbg.


Ade ke gi sungai congkak smbg je?

Tp Dibah mandi gak ah sungai.
Smlm aku mkn byk kli kot.
Lbih dr 2 kli so bg org mcm aku yg x slalu mkn
(sbb mls nk msk)
kiranya lbih dr 2 kli mkn 2 dh byk ah an.
Mse nk 2nggu blk 2 
(2nngu ayh Bella smpai)
Kteorg tgkp ah gmbr.
Sbelum 2 aku dh tgkp gmbr dgn Dibah
tnpa Bella cuz die tgh syok mandi sungai.


Mse nk blk 2 bru tgkp gmbr dgn Bella skali.
Ble ayh Bella dh smpai,
time to go home ah.
Angkat brg sume gi kereta.
Sbelum nk msuk kereta 2 aku n Dibah
gi bli aiskrim dgn roti.

Dh lme x mkn ais-krim..

Mse dlm kereta 2 ade ah mamat berambut perang ni
n kwn die lalu. Adk Bella, Sarah, dok bsing
"Justin Bieber!"
Lps 2 ble dh nk brtolak n lalu tpi laki 2
die bsing lg "Justin Bieber, Hensemnye".

What the heck!

Aku ingtkn suara Bella.
Rpenye adk die yg bsing.
Nsib baik la aku x mnat Justin 2.
Smlm mmg pnat gler ah walopon dok smbg je
kt tepi sungai.
Tp best la gak.
Thanx to Bella n keluarganya.

Adibah kcik! hahaha!
Main2 je. Jgn mrh lak.

Adibah and I

The world only remembers the best..
I will make you remember my name..

Kteorg x lpekn awk, Anati

Adibah and Bella
(n handphone bru Bella)

Bella and I



Lately ni, aku suke dengar lak rasanya... masa tengah dengar lagu westlife...ternampak tajuk I HAVE A DREAM...aku pon tros ar klik lagu tu...

lagu ni memberi semangat kat aku masa nak tulis essay bahasa melayu time tu..masa tu aku memang dah kehabisan idea....idea dah konnnnggg!!!


pastu teringat lak cikgu Rabidah kata nanti dia nak pilih beberapa pelajar untuk masuk pertandingan menulis essay bm tu and kene hantar keje tu as homework a student, mesti ar kita try nak wat yang the best...unless klau ade yang cam x kesa..tapi..apa yang pasti, aku bukan nak masuk pertandingan tu..tapi bile dgr keje sekolah...hmmm...x leh nk escape dah...nanti tangguh punya tangguh..lagi bertimbun essay nak kena wat..huhu..

agak lewat malam aku tido...tu pon sebab tgh fikir idea and bahasa yang sesuai tok guna...klau x cikgu mesti kata ayat x gramatis....bile wat je...msti rasa cam something wrong...n then buang kertas tu...pastu, aku pon dh naik bosan...aku pon text la msg ngn khaleeda A.K.A kelly...hak3!!

masa tu aku curahkan la kerisauan aku tu kat dia...n dia pon x putus2 bagi sokongan dia tu kat aku..pastu ade satu msg tu, dia type lagu I have a dream ni...huhu...terharu giler time tu...touching o..!!

if you see the wonder,
of a fairy tale,
you can take the future
even if u fail,
i believe in angels,
something good in everything i see,
i believe in angels,
when i know the time is right for me,
i'll cross the stream..
i have a dream..

camne ntah lepas tu, aku terus ade idea nk buat essay tu...( ni mesti kes terharu giler2 tahap cipan) hahahaa...alhamdulillah...dapat gak siap time tu..esok tros hantar..on the next day, cikgu kata "klau saya sebut nama ni, awk terplilih untok masuk ke pertandingan tu.." pastu tetiba lak aku dengar...NUR ANATI BINTI JAMALLUDDIN.. aku pon cam.."biar betul??!!...dah la hari tu x de buat pon cam main buat je.." bile tgk komen cikgu last semuanya cam positif..klau sebelum ape je..hahaha..tapi i really appreciate ok?? n ade la beberapa org yg terpilih gak...lama gak aku simpan msg tu...nk kata sampai sekarang..hmm...x leh la pulak...coz adik aku dh terdelete msg tu...hmpir semua msg yg aku rasa 'precious'..dah pon terdelete...huhu..meraung kesedihan kot..hehehe..anyway, aku nk dedicated lagu ni balik kat dia...hehehe.well, khaleeda..thanks alot ats segalanya!!!


mesti semua orang ade plan or hasrat kan..klau dh dpt lesen nak bawa kereta kat mana...btol x???
well, tu la yang aku tengah fikir sejak abis SPM tahun lepas.. kebetulan masa nak amik ujian berkomputer kereta ni...farhan text msg ngn aku... and salah satu soalan yang dia tanya..."nnti klau dh ade lesen, ko nak bawa kete kat ne?"..hmmm...aku pon main jwb je..." nak gi mid..hehhe..ya la..perempuankan suke shopping.."


soalan tu mesti berlegar2 kat fikiran..still mencari jawapan yang sahih(ceh!!)..

 kemana SEBENARNYA aku nak pergi, klau dah dapat lesen????!!

fikir punya fikir...sampai sekarang..baru aku tau hasratku yang betul.. sebenarnya, tempat yang aku nak and teringin sangat nak bawak kereta tu bukan la kat mid...tapi kat KLIA...kenape?? hmmm...mungkin sebab ayah aku kekadang gi outstation....dan apa yang aku perasan..klau nak gi sana mesti mula2 ayah aku drive and then nak balik...mak aku lak drive...klau flight malam, kekadang ayah aku naik teksi, ni pon sebab klau nak parking kat sana cam agak leceh n x de siapa yang nk tengok2kn kete baiklah, ayah aku tinggalkan kete kat umah...biar kitorg yang jaga...hehehe....

lagi satu. jalan kat sana cam agak, cam best lak suasana klau bawak kete kat sana..ade kete pon sikit2 x de ar tension sangat...klau bleh aku nak jadikan KLIA tu first destination aku membawa kereta dgn lesen yang aku ade..tapi first destination aku lak ke umah diba...hahaha...tapi apa2 pon...aku enjoy bawak tersangat++++.. aku takkan kuburkan hasratku ini...hahhaa...NEVER!!

korang lak?? klau dah ade lesen...korang nk bawak kete kat ne??

Friday, April 23, 2010

Precious Words



Smlm mlm mse aku tgh baring2 ats katil kt blk
aku n feeling down, aku nmpk ah bku biodata
wrna oren aku kt rak bku 2.
Aku trpk nk tgk lps 2 aku rse mls la.
Xde mood.
Tp aku amik la gak.
Aku bkak ah n bce Bella pnye biodata.
Aku bce die pnye dlu sbb aku taw die pnye mmg lwk.
Pnuh dgn keperasanan die 2.
Bce die pnye bio mmg wat aku gelak.
X abis2 nk sakat Adibah.
Tringat lak dlu die ske pggil Dibah "PRS kecik".
Mne la pegi gelaran 2?

Page Nabilah a.k.a Bella

Lps 2 bce la Sarah pnye.
Sarah pun sme naik mnyakat Dibah.
Pnggil die "Dibah Kecik" la..
Adibah out of list la..
Ksian btol Dibah. Asyik kne buli je dgn depe 2 org ni.

Page Sarah

Byk jugak la aku bce biodata2 kwn aku ni
n kata2 smangat yg depe tlis utk aku.
Mse bce 2 trsentuh la gak.
Sbelum ni x la rse trsentuh sgt bce
tp mse 2 tiba2 trsentuh lak.
Ye ah, dh tgh down an mne xnye.

Buku Biodataku

Antara kata2 semangat yg mnyentuh hatiku:

"Org yg bahagia tidak selalunya memiliki hal2 yg trbaik.
Mrk hanya berusaha mnjd yg trbaik drp stiap hal yg
hadir dlm hidupnya"

"Appreciate everything that u have"

"Lakukan sgala hal2 yg ingin kamu lakukan slama kamu hidup
kerana kamu hanya 1 pluang dan 1 kesempatan utk hal2 itu"

Page Anis

"Dlm stiap diri manusia trdpt sbuah peti harta karun yg pnuh dgn
emas. Berusahalah utk mncari kunci peti trsebut.
Ur life will change"
                                                                                    Nadhirah Zabidi

"We grow great by dreams. All big men r dreamers.
They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or
in the red fire of a long winter's evening.
Some of us let these great dreams die but others
nourish n protect them"

Td aku bce Mira pnye bio.
Mmg dh lme x kntek die. Die ade tlis psl geng kte.
Hahaha.. Rsenye aku dh byk brubh. Yeke?

Dr mira:

Kite nak cite pasal kengkawan kite dlm ktas hijo ni (krtas 2 wrna hijau).
Untuk Nabilah, pleaz jgn suke prasan sgt. hm.. cmne pon, die
2 lawak.. berlagak Queen je.. just bcoz of her name 'SITI' means..
Queen.. x ingatla sape yg ckp kt kite yg  'SITI' means nenek..
hahaha?!! kecewa Nabilah dgr.. oops.. pmilik nme Nabilah ni,
jgn marah.. kang nmpak tua.. huhu.. pasal Adibah, bile die snyum,
sweet gak.. cume bile die gelak, haha!! klaka sangat la 2..
isy.. Dayah lak.. kdang2 ske bdakwah.. elok la 2.. dakwah..
oh ye, Sarah.. bile die gelak.. huhu.. merah da mcm ktas merah yg
kt ats ni.. (ade krtas merah kt ats) hahaha!!..
Oh ye2.. Farah.. ckit2 poem. isy.. kdang2.. suke gelak.. eh, ape lak
kdg2??.. da mmg asyik2 gelak.. pndek kate.. gelak 2 da sebati
dlm hidup die.. mksud kite x penah lekang dri mulut die..
mcm compound la pulak.. boring la cite pasal korang!!!
check out!!

Page Mira


Kalo la awk leh jmpe kteorg sume skrg,
adakah awk rse kteorg msih sme cm ape yg awk tlis 2?
Ataupun makin mnjadi-jadi?

Mgkin kte akn jmpe lg in the future..
After all people come together by fate.
(dpt dr cter Slave Hunters. Best owh!)

Until we meet again..

P.S: Bg mrk2 yg pagenye x dipilh utk ltk kt post ni, sori ek.
        Byk sgt kalo nk ltak sume.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Komik Malaysia dan Syeikh Muszaphar



Dh lme gler kot aku x post dlm bm.
Kdang2 ssh gak kalo nk post dlm bi.
Idea 2 dh ade tp nk explain 2 kdang2 ssh.
Ye ah bi aku mne ckup tinggi lg.
2 ah dh mls nk bce bku bi pnye psl.
Anyway, aku nk cter psl komik Malaysia.
Ye ah, aku an x bpe nk ske tgk cter drama Malaysia.
(tp ade la bbrape aku rse bgos)
Kalo tgk org melayu pegang2 tgn n brmanja-manja kt
tv 2 sape nk tgk an. Malangnye, skrg byk cter Malaysia cmtu la.
Kalo depe 2 bkn Islam lntak korang la nk pegang2 tgn
tp Islam so mmg rse mnyampah la tgk.

Anyway, bebalik pd point asl walopon aku x bpe
nk ske tgk cter drama Malaysia tp aku mmg ske
bce komik Malaysia (Gempak Starz je la).
Aku rse bangga ble bce komik2 2.
Komik Gempak Starz mmg dh maju ah skrg.
Lukisan2 pun dh smakin cntik. Colouring pun aku
tgk dh smakin cntik. Ni msti sbb Sunny ni.
Die mmg pndai ah wat colouring.
Respek btol.
Aku ske bce komik2 karya
Kaoru, Zint, Ben n Keith.

Mmg best ah komik depe.
Lwk pun ade la gak.

Lately, aku byk bce komik Zint.
Komik die x byk sntuh psl cnta.
(ye ah aku ni jnis romantik skit)
Bnyk aksi ah tp gue ske. Jln cter die best2.
Korang bce x "Kijiya"?
Bpk best ah komik 2. Jln cter die mmg bgus.
Lg satu "Hacker". Fulamak!!!
Mmg respek ah Zint!
Lukisan komik 2 pun lawa n colouring die mmg
mncantikkan lg la lukisan komik 2.


Mmg bangga ah ble bce komik 2.

Komik2 karya Kaoru pun best gak.
Siri komik Helios Eclipse mmg best walopon
colouring mse siri yg awl2 2 x brape cntik tp colouring
siri yg nk akhir2 2 mmg lawa la.
All thanks 2 Sunny. Mmg bgus ah die.
Helios Eclipse 2.. Aku nangis ah bce siri yg last 2.
Mmg touching gler ah.
Aku trpk gak knp la movie2 or drama2 Malaysia
x wat cter brdasarkan komik2 cmni?
Best kot tp kalo nk wat cter cm Helios Eclipse, Kijiya
n Hacker prlukan special effect yg bgus ah.
Lgpun Malaysia dh leh an wat cter2 cmtu.
Company KRU ah an.

Kalo la ade wat aku mmg nk tgk tp kne bgus ah.
Kalo x rmai kot pminat komik2 Gempak Starz dissapointed.
Kalo wat cter2 simple cm Kaoru Cake House
pun cm best gak drp gi wat cter Kau dan Aku 2
watpe. Sirius aku x ske cter 2. Ape msg
yg nk disampaikn ntah. Asyik gado lps 2 baik blk.
Lps 2 gado blk. Aku tgk skit je lps 2 dh x tgk dh.
Dh lme x tgk. Adk aku ah tgk cter 2.
Die ske tgk cter2 kt astro Ria n Prima.
Anyway, kalo aku tgk cter ko dan Aku 2 mmg mlut aku
asyik complain ah. Haaih..
Mk aku pun bsing cter 2 asyik gado lps 2 baik blk lps 2 gado blk.
Msg je ble nk smpai kalo dok gado je x abis2?

Komik2ku yg lg best dr cter Kau dan aku

Oh ye...
Psl Syeikh Muszaphar.. Mk aku kata ayh aku mkn mlm
dgn die ari 2. Ayh aku mse 2 bg cramah
psl ksihatan kt kursus prkahwinan
Syeikh Muszaphar tp aku xde ah excited mne pun
sbb aku bkn la pminat die.
Ayh aku prnh gak bg cramah ksihatan kt kursus
prkahwinan Mawi 2. Msuk tv weh!
Kt astro Oasis. Hahahaha!
Aku hrp aku pun dpt jmpe org2 trknal
(artis2 Korea la ape lg! Hahaha).
Aku pun nk msuk tv gak!
Tp ayh aku ni mmg ske ke x msuk tv?

Wah.. Siap bg signature lg.
Dr. Roslan 2 nme ayh aku la.
Tp an mmg ayh aku mnta signature die ke
die yg saje bg?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Aku tengah cari sesuatu kat dalam bilik, pastu terjumpa notebook ni... notebook ni bagi aku special ar sebab ni pemberian kawan aku plus ade kata2 peransang...siapa lagi kalau bukan ADIBAH...hehehe( bangga diba...) . masa hari jadi aku kot dia bagi,form 3.. tapi yang pasti, time tu aku cam...mood tengah down and perlukan semangat..pastu tetiba lak diba bagi...hahhaa..alhamdulillah. syukur!! thanks alot!!


Monday, April 19, 2010


Bila fara cakap pasal aiskrim tu, aku teringat zaman sekolah dulu. sejak duduk kat asrama, hidup aku ni selalunya dengan aiskrim!!! perasan time tu boleh dikatakan just like heaven....(hahaa..hiperbola je tu,k?) hehe.. susah nak describe feeling time tu...tapi rasa cam BEST GILER!!!


seperti aku katakan tadi, aku start suke giler kat aiskrim ni masa, sejak dok kat asrama.. korunk pon tau kan, life kat sana agak tough!! so, one way i wanted to cool myself is by eating an ice cream.. yumm3!!!~

aku suke flavour vanilla, strawberry n sometimes chocolate! but mostly vanilla la..tapi entah camne kat sana cam aku lebih prefer chocolate!! chocolate bar pon tetiba aku suke.. entah la...mungkin aku perlukan glukosa yang byk (perlukan tenaga..semakin letih n stress) chocolate tu perisa dia agk pekat plus manis!! rasa enjoy giler makan..

dah la aiskrim ni sejuk and creamy!! ooooo... yummy~ so bagi aku, aiskrim tu melegakan n menghilangkan la beban aku...bile start makan..rasa cam kita ketepikan masalah tu jap...pastu bila fikir masalah tu, rasa cam baru bleh handle..heehehe..

kalau time SPM, lagi la...rasa cam x leh hidup tanpa aiskrim...tapi memandangkan duit kena pandai kena la cari jalan untuk gantikan something dengan aku prefer...ais batu!! the best part about ice cube ni..bile kita gigit tu, rasa crunchy!! ais batu ni, selalunya aku makan time tengah bengang bila gigit tu..rasa cam aku melepaskan geram kat ais tu la..hahaa...

bile cakap pasal aiskrim or ais batu kat sana, kawan2 aku cam dah tau..aku la orangnya!! obsessed, addicted n fanatic!! hahaha...klau aiskrim lak..selalunya sebab mungkin tengah sedih, lonely,runsing, stress, tension camtu ar. tapi kekadang cam nk enjoy life..sinonim pe dgn slogan cornetto.."hidop biar sedap"..haha

aku tau habit ni cam x elok..especially dgn diri aku yg selalu dpt penyakit tonsil!! so, bile tonsil bengkak sbb kerap makan bnda2 sejuk...terpaksa la kn cutdown mkn bnda2 camni..lebihkan minum air masak..huhu..TORTURE!!Aku selalu makan benda ni time subjek yang melibatkan calculation..sbb rs x de la tension sangat!! kekadang nak makan tu terpaksa la mintak izin mak pon sbb mak cam risau akn kesihatan aku.. so bile mak dh bg green light...ape lagi...makan!!! hahaa..klau sakit pepandai la nk survive..huhu

                          ICE CUBE.......ICE CUBE.....

nanti nak msk matriks( klau la), rasanya habit aku ni akan dtg blik...owh NO!! hahaha..redah je la....
LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!! hehe..bye for now!!

So annoyed

Sooo annoying~

Just stop annoying and irritating me will you?

Have you ever had a friend that just keeps annoying
and irritating you?
Well, I have. A guy friend that is.
He is just so annoying.
I know he's a problamatic kid and all
and he didn't actually have a good past
but that shouldn't be the reason for him to just...
not care about his future and more importantly

Yes, his religion. He's not actually the kind of person
who is really religious and... stuff like that.
He keeps going on and on about his sad life
and his problems.
Like he's the only person on earth who have problems.
I have problems too.

It's okay that he likes to come to me for advise
but it's really frustrating when he doesn't really
follow my advises.
Doesn't it hurt you when a friend does that to you.
I mean, her you are trying really hard to help
a friend in need and hoping that he'll turn a new leaf
but noooooo....
he keeps repeating the same mistakes.


It's like all those talks and lectures are meaningless.
I don't answer his calls and messages anymore.
If he was a real friend to me he should have been
considerate about my feelings.
He should have listened and followed my advises.
He should have showed that he really is grateful that
I took the time to listen to his problems by becoming a
better person but he didn't.

You really dissapointed me, my friend.
If you couldn't help yourself then I can't help you any longer.
It'll just upset me.

I also hate it when he text message me things like guys say
when they're trying to flirt with you.
I really hate it.
I tol him that I didn't like taht but he keeps doing it.
Am I really a friend to you?
If I am then you should have been considerate about my feelings.
I know that you were the one who stood up
for me that day when a girl in our class was bad-mouthing
me to the other guys in our class
and I thank you for that but that alone
isn't enough to be a good friend.

I admit that I'm not a very good friend to you
even though you said that I am
but the truth is I'm not that good of a friend to you.
If I was i would have tried harder to help you but
instead I gave up.
I'm sorry but howq can I help you when you're
not even helping yourself.

You should be a good person first before
you try to be a good friend.

If not, you're friends will leave you...
and to be honest you weren't being a good enough
person to God and to yourself
so how do you expect yourself to be a good friend to me?

Sorry, my friend...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

For The rest of My Life


Do it, do it chu~
Do it, do it chu~

Chuuuu chuu~

I have these two amazing (cewah! Amazing la  sgt)
friends that I've known for a long time, 
more than 5 years now.


Those two "amazing" friends are Adibah and Anati.

Woo woo wooo!!!

I've known Adibah for more than six years whereas
Anati for more than 5 years.


Can you believe it?
I have these kind of friends.
Farah Munirah.
Before I became close friends with Anati and Adibah,
I wasn't the kind of person who would always
keep contact with the friends that I made.
Only the close ones maybe but only for a while then
I'd stop contacting them.
(how cruel)


Adibah and I have this dream of opening a shop
which sells cakes and chocolates.
Of course, Anati should join in too.
Adibah said that we should open one in
Malaysia and then in Korea.
(South Korea that is)
(how ambitious)


I really want them to be with me 'till the day
I die. I still want to be in contact with them
even after I'm married and have children them our
children can be best friends.
Okay, maybe that's taking things too far
but who cares.

I want to do so many things with them.
I want to travel with them.
Open a shop with them.
Experience new things with them.
I want to do a lot of things with them.
Just us being together.


Lets be best friends for life!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Nothing much i want to say...just wanna to share this story with all of you..hahaa...dr aku abiskn kredit..baik tulis je kat blog..lg ramai baca. btol x?? bg aku cerita ni quite interesting plus sad plus appreciate dengan apa yang kita ENJOY READING EVERYONE!!!

P/S : kepada sesiapa yang dah pernah dapat msg ni atau sinonim dengannya...korunk baca je la ek?? hehe..


A : kau rasa kita kwn sampai bila??

B : sampai mati la...

A : kenapa kau cakap macam tu??

B : sebab aku sayang kau..

A : kau rasa jarak kita berkawan berapa lama??

B : 5 minit lagi!!

*lepas tu, si 'A' terdiam lalu bertanya lagi....

A : apa yang kau cakap ni?? 5 minit lagi?? kata sampai mati..

*lalu si 'B' hanya tersenyum...selepas 5 minit, si 'A' melintas dan hampir2 dilanggar kereta tapi diselamatkan
  oleh si 'B'..

* kata orang tua2..bila hayat hampir tamat, kita dapat rasakannya..

*lalu si 'B' berkata...

B : aku tepati janji aku..kita berkawan sampai aku mati..(lalu tersenyum gembira)

*si 'A' hanya mampu menangis....


aku dapat msg ni masa baru bangun dari tido...hahhaa..lepas tu, terus cam susa nk tido balik...hehee...
teringatkn 'someone' lak...siapa ya??? hehehe...

How Can This Be?


How can this be?
And so soon?

I've watched SHINee Hello Baby final episode.
It was heartbreaking. Seriously I cried while 
watching SHINee and Yooguen part.
It was just so sad.
Parting with the ones you love is always heartbreaking
especially if the times you spent together were short.


It happens to everyone really.
You just need courage to move on
but how can a heart takeall this.

It's really sad...
Urgh! My heart is breaking.
(although it's not me who is parting ways with someone)

I really enjoyed watching the show.
I laughed so hard.
I hope that one day I would have a life like that
where everyday is a fun day...
Spending time with your friends...
Creating happy memories and such...
I hope to have that kind of life
because then...

Life is worth living...

What am I bluffing about?

SHINee and Yooguen, saranghae!!!

Shinee Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Time really waits for no one.
As time passes I become scared of age.
Scared of not being able to do things that I've been dreaming
of doing before I turn 30.
I've thought of getting married at 30 and not in my twenties
because there are just so many things that I want
to do before I get married.

Sooo many things...

Like travelling and see the world...

"A whole new world,
A new fantastic point of view,
No one to tell us no or where to go,
Or say we're only dreaming"

Meet new and different people of all kinds of races...

"A whole new world,
A dazzling place I never knew"

Experience new and exciting things...

"A whole new world,
Don't you dare close your eyes,
A hundred thousand things to see,
Hold your breath, it gets there" 

While doing something that I like doing...

"A whole new world,
Every turn a surprise,
With new horizons to pursue,
Every moment red-letter"

"I'll chase them everywhere,
There's no time to spare,
Let me share this,
whole new world with you..."



What I'm worried right now is if I'm not able
to experience all these things.
Sometimes there are more important things that you need to do
in life than following your dreams.


Dang dang dang.....
 (background music)  

Okay, okay...

Why do I always talk about life these days?
Seriously Farah, what's with all this life talk?
What? Do you want me to talk about SHINee
and start my fangirling like Adibah?

"Onew oppa, saranghae!"
(more screaming and then faints)
(Sorry, Dibah)

Uh.. I don't think so.
It's better to talk about life than fangirling.


Don't get angry with me, Adibah.
Just face it. In reality, if Onew
ever appeare infront of you, you would do exactly that.

Now where were we?
Right, about life.
I was never this scared of life before, I think.
I guess this is all part of growig up.
Turning 18..
Kinda suck, don't you think?

Sometimes, I wonder what I would be 5 years from now...
or 7 years from now...
or ten years from now..
What kind of person will I be...?
Sometimes thinking this excites me but sometimes it scares me...

I hope I will grow up to be a fine and lovely woman.
A good muslim...
a good daughter...
A good mother...
A good wife...


Monday, April 12, 2010


Sigh of relief ~

It's finally over.
Whew ~

The interview is finally over.
What a relief.
Now I just have to wait.

Before the interview, I was really nervous and
tried to calm myself down.
The written test was a bit hard.
The comprehension section is quite hard because the text
passage is....
I had to read it again and again to understand it.
(2pm's "Again, Again") 

"Again and again and again"
"Nu ehgeh jaggoo nuhleul weh geulunji molla"
"Weh geulunji molla"
"Again and again and again"
"Nuh eh maleh ddo sok a weh geulunji molla"
"Weh geulunji molla"

(Tiba2 lak lately minat dgn lgu2 2pm)

The essay was about baby dumping
and I had to write more than 250 words I think
within 30 minutes.


I had to answer all the questions given in one hour.
So 30 minutes for the objective questions
and another 30 minutes for the essay question.

What the heck?!!!!

Oh yeah, I saw someone that I know at the exam site.


(yes, it was that Alpha kid)

What the...?

Okay, so he's taking TESL too?
That was a surprise.
He didn't talk to me though.
Maybe he didn't see me.
After the test we had to go upstairs for the interview.
I saw Fatin as I was climbing the stairs.
I think she was in 5 Gamma last year.
When I reached the top floor someone called my name
and it was...


(yes, it was that annoying kid in my class last year)
(and to think I might never see him again...)
(such a small world we live in)

What the HECK?!!!!

I went to find interview room.
My interview was at panel 4.
I saw a girl near me sitting infront of the door of the interview room.
I sat next to her and I actually talked to her.

Farah, you've changed!!!
Ypu actually approaced someone first.
You actually tried making new friends.

This is AMAZING!!!


We talked like we've been friends for a
while now when we just met.
Her name is Khairun.
I had fun talking to her.
She's really nice.
She told that she was supposed to be on a date
with her boyfriend on that day but she
had to cancel it due to the interview.

She has a boyfriend when I'm still single?

The interviewers were females but one of them didn't talk much.
The other who did most of the talking was
a very hyper-go- lucky person.
She kept asking me if I really wanted TESL
because I didn't look like I wanted it.
I told her that this ia how my expression ussually looks like.
She laughed at that.

So that's how my interview went.
Please pray that I will get it, everyone.
Thank you for your support.


Friday, April 9, 2010

What If I Don't Make It?


I'm freaking out here!
Tomorrows the interview and I have little confidence.
It feels like I won't make it.
I even cried my eyes out last night
(ok, I didn't literally cry my eyes out but I did cry)
because I was afraid that I won't make it.
If I don't make it then what am I going to do?

What am I going to do with my life?
I'm scared like hell right now.

If I mess this up I might mess up my life.
I have to get this.
I don't want to end up taking the course I don't like.
I've practised all night but I'm not sure I'd be able
to speak smoothly infront of the interviewer.
I get really nervous at interviews.

I remember when I had to do the indivisual oral test
at school. I had to do it in front of my english teacher.
Even though, there was only one person but i got really
nervous and I messed up a little.


What if I mess up tomorrow?
What happens then?
Urgh!!! Life can be so complicated sometimes...

I'm scared to death right now.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feeling Afraid


I'm afraid...
Afraid of the future.
Afraid that I might not live the way I wanted to live my life.
Afraid that I might not succed in realising my dreams.
(Though there's one dream that I couldn't realise but I have other dreams too)
Afraid that I would end up hating my life.

I should believe in myself but...
I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do with my life.
Well, there are things that I know I want to do
but I don't what job I should have.

I always act like I don't care much about the
things happening around me.
I was young an naive then but as i grow up
I become scared.
Life can be really scary.

How can I survive this?

I also realise that not all dreams can come true.

Yeah, Disney channel always tells us that dreams do come true.
I'm not saying that dreams don't come true.
I'm just saying that they don't always come true.

Again with this drem talk, Farah?
Come on, move on!!!

I remember that time when I went to Jusco with my mom.
I saw this lady holding her child
(well I think she was holding a child or was the child in the trolly?)
(ok, did I spell "trolly" correctly? Not sure with the spelling)
and a thought came to mind.
I thought that I didn't want to be like her.
Living like that.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to have
a child of my of own.
I do but later in the future.

It's just that I don't want to live a boring and dull life.
The woman didn't even seem happy when I saw her.
I don't want to end up with no career and holding my child
at a mall with a sad expression on my face.
I mean what kind of life is that?

I'm not saying that the woman I saw was living this kind of life.
I don't even know her.
She was just a stranger that I was destined to meet.
Our paths was destined to intertwine.

What am I saying?

Anyway, life has become really scary for me
but I know that pain and endurance helps me grow.
(Got that from "Master of Study. The korean version of course)
(Man, that drama ROCKs!!!)

Aaaaanyway, I hope things will go well in the future.
I REALLY hope so.
Pray for me, please.



I have a TESL interview this Saturday.
UITM's interview.

URGH! I HATE interviews!!!
(except those interviews celebrities get to do on tv)
(haha... But I"M not a celebrity. Too bad)

Interviews make me nervous.
One of the reasons why I didn't try out for prefect try outs
(or whatever it is you call them)
is because of the interview.
I just get nervous during interviews.
But then again who doesn't get nervous during interviews, right?

What if I mess up and embarrase myself?
What if I say something stupid or ridiculous?

URGH!!! I REALLY hate this!!!

There's going to be an essay test too.
My mom said that it'll be asking us to write an essay about a novel
that we read.
What shoul I write about?

P.s. I love you?
(but I haven't finished reading that yet)
(sorry, Bella. You gave me that book as a present)

I've been thinking of finishing reading the book
(in just two days?!!)
 Not saying that it's not possible for people who love
to read but is it possible for me?
It's not that I don't like reading.
It's just that I have my moments.
Sometimes I would read books like crazy.
Sometimes (okay, maybe most of the time) I'm just not in the mood.

I'm okay with the essay test but the interview?
Urgh!!! Why me?
I'm too young to die out of nervousness.
Is this a punishment?
Have I done a sin?
(ofcourse I have. I'm no angel, people)

Oh well, might as well just get on with the interview.
I'ts not like I'm going to die if I go through it, right?
(please pray that I don't)

Farah, Fighthing!!!!

WoO!! WoO!! WoO!! WoO!!

Wish me luck!
I'm gonna need it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Can Something That Can't Be Done Be Done?

Look, just look at that girl,
She's almost like me,
Saying how it's easy to forget,
I don't want to believe it,
A restless night,
I'm so sick of my head hurting,
I get on my knees,
Hit my chest,
and even if I cry,
Can something that can't be done be done?

                                                                 From the song "Jojo"

Seriously, can something that can"t be done be done?
Somehow I can relate to ayt kt ats 2 tp dr segi len.
Ayt kt ats 2 psl cinta. Aku mksudkn bnde len.
Psl impian. I have this dream but I don't think it's
dream I should reach for. so mcm ayt kt ats 2 la.

A restless night,
(mmg slalu tido lmbt online)
I'm so sick of my head hurting...
(asyik dok pk psl bnde 2 je)

And even if I cry,
Can something that can't be done be done?
( can it? I hope so)

Can't pretend that I'm happy.
Even if I put on a smile I can't lie to my heart...

Whatever la Farah!!!

Weird isn't it? My name doesn't match my character at all.
My name, Farah Munirah, means happiness that shines.

Farah: Happiness or joy
Munirah: Shine
(What the heck! That's SHINee)

No wonder I like those guys so much.
I feel so happy all of a sudden.
What the...?

Those guys realy do have a strong effect on me.
I didn't realize my name have the same meaning as SHINee
until now.. WHOA!!!
Way cool~
I'm overjoyed!
Ok stop it Farah. Adibah is going to hit you if you don't.

Ok. Anyway, when you guys read those lines up there,
(the song)
What exactly came to mind?
I mean did it reminded you of anything?
It doesn't have to be a love experience.
Seriously, enough of that already.

Sigh~ (again?)

I'm really bored..
Seriously there is nothing fun to do except dancing,
day dreaming, watching my fav dramas on tv and
watching SHINee (that's my name without the extra "e") on the internet.

Seriously, I'm bored to death.
So there's going to be a party next week at Syaza's place.
I'll be fun!!!
I hope I'd get to eat a lot of delicious food.

Don't look down at me just cuz I'm skinny.
Ur al just jealous of my model- like figure.
More like Bony- figure.  


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