Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Am What I Am

   Aku taw yg sbnrnye ade bbrape kwn aku yg kutuk aku kt blakang tp aku x rpt pun dgn depe. Thy don,t even know me that well n yet they judge me so harshly. aku rase sdih n trluka dgn kutukn depe. Xsgka depe ckp cmtu psl aku. What did I ever do 2 them? I realise that maybe they don't like some of  the things that I do but they could tell me about it politely. Mgkin aku ada wat ksalahan tp aku xsedar. After all, I'm only human. Like all human beings, I'm not perfect! I make mistakes too. A LOT.

   If they really r my friends they would understand. Walaubagaimanapun, depe ttp kwn aku. But it's hard. Ble aku ckp dgn depe msti teringat ape yg depe ckp psl aku. Depe bkn saje kutuk aku di antara depe je tp depe kutuk aku kt org len gak. Mmburukkan nme aku. klau depe nk judge aku pun, ske ati depe la but please try to get to know me first. Ble dh btul2 knal aku then u can judge me. That way, it would be fair.

                                                          AM    I    RIGHT?

  I should forgive them though. Well, like I said, nobody's perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. So all of u out there, remember this. Never judge a persou without getting to know them first because looks can often be deceiving n u don't want to hurt other people's feelings especially when they're ur friends. A person is a person no matter what they do or look like. They have feelings. Feelings that could get hurt by harsh words.


I am what I am. I can't help myself and if u don't like it, well, go to somebody else. I'll never change my ways. It's not a phase. This is how it is n this is how it's gonna stay because I am what I am. I know what I'm not. I'm not the type of girlwho doesn't know what she's got n I won't back down. Won't come around. Say I'm not changing cuz I know what's going down. Cuz I know where ever I go, I know where I stand. I am what I am.  - by jonas brothers tp aku ubah skit-

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ramadan and Jonas Brothers


Aaaahh... laparnye.. xsbr2 nk bukak puasa. Nk mkn Popia cicah dgn sos tomato. YUM!!! Kelazatan yg xtrkata. Kblakangan ni aku rajin gak study. Hehe.. Aku wat latihan Addmat. Serius BEST DOWH!! Subjek yg aku bnci dh jd subjek yg aku ske.


Okay.. minggu lps aku mmg moody. Ade prgaduhan kt klas aku. Tension dowh! But the worse is over. Tp rmai yg trluka la including me sampai aku nangis kt tndas. Sesuatu prbuatan yg trburu-buru. Aku nangis cuz aku ingt Ting kutuk aku. Rpe2nye aku silap. Die back up aku rpenye. Hepi giler aku mse 2. Trsnyum lebar je aku.. Hehe.. Ari 2 mmg HappyBad Day bg aku but no matter it's all over now. I hope.

Aaaaanyway... JONAS BROTHERS!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I LOVE THEM!!! ESPECIALLY NICK! Okay, maybe just Nick. Haha... Sbnrnye aku mle2 minat JoBros sbb Ting. Mse 2 aku tgh bce majalah. Aku nmpk poster Nick. Aku tgk snyuman Nick cam snyuman Ting. Tros aku minat JoBros n Nick. Plus aku mmg ske giler music depe. They're like MUSIC GENIUSES!!! (Did I spell geniuses correctly? Sori klau slh eja. Mls nk bkak dictionary. Sbnrnye aku dgelar WALKING DICTIONARY but xsmestinye aku taw eja sume prkataan bhs Inggeris correctly, right? Hey, I'm only human) Aku rse Farhan msti x stuju dgn aku yg JONAS BROTHERS ARE MUSIC GENIUSES!!!!! Again I apologise if I, Farah Munirah, the 'Walking Dictionary' (Peh prasan) if I spelled genius incorrectly. Tp korang taw ke aku eja btul ke slh. Xyah la nk bkak dictionary 2. Haha... Terhinanye. Just kidding.

I AM SOOO HUNGRY... Klau dpt tgk citer JONAS kn best. hilang la skit rse lpr 2.
By the way, don't forget 2 watch JONAS every Saturday n Sunday at 5.30 p.m only on Disney Channel (my favourite channel). DON'T FORGET TO WATCH IT!!!


Ps: JONAS RULES. Don't forget 2 watch it n Before I forget which is impossible I love Ting n Nick but mostly Ting. HAHAHA... F.Y.I Ting is soo not my Boyfriend. He's my future husband. Haha.. Just Kidding.

Ps: I Love u. Whoever u r..

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