Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thankful and Scared at the Same Time

Yes! Yes! Yes!
I got the interview (MEDSI)
meaning that I passed the written test!
Yay \(^o^)/
I was so worried that I might not pass it.
I'm relieved and thankful to God that I passed but
I'm scared about the interview.
They say that it's going to be hard.
REALLY hard..
Oh my..

I don't like the sound of that..
Friends.. please pray for me..
Thank you..
: )

Friday, May 20, 2011


How do I describe my mood right now?
One word.
I am so not enjoying this feeling.
It's so.. so.. well, stressful.
With Medsi and my job to worry about..
yeah things just can't get any worse, can it?
Don't answer that.

I'm worried that if I don't pass Medsi, I won't be able to 
continue my degree in TESL.
But if I don't pass it, then it's okay.
Redha je la..
Maybe God has a different plan for me.
To be honest, I didn't really like Tesl at first.
I remember during my first semester of  studying Tesl..
I hated it.
Well, maybe it's because I didn't like teaching at the time
and I wasn't all that close with my classmate.
Actually, I wasn't all that close with other Teslians as well..
Yes, I am not that friendly..
I am a quiet and shy person..
But I can be loud and crazy when I want to and when I feel like it.
And when I do unleash that "scary" side of me, you better be prepared...
because you'll be surprised.. and amazed (prasan gler)

Anyway, back to the point, I am also really stressed because of my job.
It's not that I don't like teaching those kids.
I do.
(Especially my favourite student, Reza)
And it's not like I hate the kids..
They're great even though they get on my nerve sometimes
but they're not so bad once you get to know them.
Well, most of them are.
I like teaching them and play games with them.
It's fun.
What makes me fell stress is..
well, maybe it's the other teachers.
I don't feel comfortable around them..
and I get this feeling like they don't like me that much
or maybe it's all in my head.
It's just that I kept making mistakes.
I'm still new and there is a lot of things that I don't know
about how things work there..

I have to write the student's report, lesson plan, record book....
Oh my...
It's okay that I have to do all those thing but I'm afraid if I don't do it right..
*sigh again*
Sometimes I feel like quitting my job..
But for what?
It's not that I hate the kids, right?
Maybe I'm over reacting?
Oh, whatever!
Whatever happens, I'll just have to face it.
Pray for me, please..
: )

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My non identical twin


I just want to declare something to the people out there
in cyber worlds of course. I want .... to ... confess....
s  o  m  e  t  h  i  n  g  ....

Just stop it adibah, just go to the main point..
Okayy, I just want to introduced my non identical twin

That person is..

Myra Rosman :)

I meet her at Center for foundation studies International Islamic
University Malaysia. Roomate of my classmates,Lia Pakhri
She has very similar with my characters, I mean very similar what I like
and dislike, just that she can live without kicap that's the main differences
between me and Myra. 

She even like to laugh on silly things, kpop maniac, karaoke lovers,
shawl lovers, take pictures especially self potrait.
Even for her birhtday she like to eat cake from secret recipe, chocolate indulgence.
Urghh! I really love that cake until anati said 'diba u should try another cake
beside chocolate indulgence'

I think most of us know I just celebrated my 19th birthday,3 May 2011
as for her she celebrated on 15 May 2011. Even our mom's birthday is
just differences with one day. OHH yeahhh!

Next, I really want you to know this thank you because you're
always there for me and give the best support and encourage me!

Myra Rosman you're such a photogenic girl, next year at Gombak
you MUST be my model, I want to be proffesional photographer.

I love to see your pictures :) Such a photogenic girl :)

Myra Rosman's profile picture(facebook)

I like this pic the most :)


Friday, May 13, 2011

Cikgu Tadika

Okay, slalunye tlis in bi tp daku trase mls la pulek..
Bm je la weh.. best skit nk cter enn..
Smlm best jugak la keje..
Pg2 dpt mkn cucur..
Kakak goreng rsenye..
Kakak ni keje kt Haven.. die slalu cuci n msk sume 2..
pggil die kakak je..
sodap btoi cucur.. hahah.. mybe sbb tgh lapo.
Then mkn hard boiled egg with soy sauce..
Tu mkanan student mkn mse break..
Menu pd ari 2.. sdap jugak ye mkn telur rebus dgn kicap..
Ptotla Diba ske sgt mkn kicap.

Mse klas pg aku x ngajar sgt.. aku ngajr kls ptg.
so pg2 mnyelit la klas teacher len..
tgk2 kn bdk2 tu wat keje..
kalo klas six years old pg mmg aku ske duduk sbelah alif.. comey btoi bdk ni.
Nakal pun ade gak..
Smbil2 dorg wat keje smbg2 la..
sronok laa...
Alya pulak ske nyanyi smbil wat keje.
Lorheit x abis2 dok pot pet je keje..
tgk Adam diam je wat keje.. baik je tplmbt wat keje.. nk bngun
pun lmbt.. adeh..
aku suro die g amik pnsil wrna.. bngun pnye la lmbt..
aku tgk je.. dh la lmbt sgt aku suro org len je la amikkn.. hahah

Alif ngan alya sdp gak bi dorg.. alya mmg tere bce..
Alif tere bsing.. hahah.. tp Lorheit lg terer bsing..
Si Alif ni ske ckp "shut up, please" so aku ckp kt die "It's rude to say shut up.. say pls be quiet" 
walopun ade please tu tp shut up tu cm rude je enn..
tp dorg ikot.. bgus.. tp aku sndiri trckp shut up.. ape la teacher ni..

Ble tbe kls ptg lak nk start.. 
aku suro dorg smpan mainan yg dorg main..
then start assembly..
slalu star kul 12 cmtu..
Assembly start cmni (lbih kurang laa):

Aku: Good afternoon, children. How are you today?

Students: Good afternoon, teacher. We are fine, thank you. How are you today, teacher?

Aku: I'm fine, thank you.. Okay, we're going to sing the school song

Nyanyi lgu skolah..

then nyanyi 3 lgu pape la.. lgu bdk2.

smlm nyanyi lgu If ur happy n u know it, this old man n old mcdonalds had a farm.
Siap mnari ag.. hahaha..
Si Emiel dh la ske dtg lmbt lps 2 mnari shake2 rmbut pnjg die tu
mcm rock star mne ntah enn..
dh la laki mke cm popmuan.. rmbut pnye la pnjang tp mcm x sikat..
haih.. ntah shampoo idak rmbut tu..

Zhi Jie pulak ske kaco org len mse nyanyi.. nakal sungguh..
nsib baik comey.

dh abis nyanyi kne bce kt dpn..
psl  thun bpe, tarikh ble, ari ni hari ape..
whether ari ni cmne.. tp all in english..
then dh abis suro dorg sit in a circle.. then pas kt ckgu len ajr dorg music.. 
aku lag gi lunch.. kakak msk nsi goreng.. Yay!!!

Smlm Teacher Diana ckp kt aku: "ptg ni kls awk kn?"
Kla aku? mksudnye aku dh ade kls sndiri?
Mle2 cm x ngajr sgt enn.. sbb bru ag.. jd cm assistant je..

pnat kot nk ajr 5 years old n six years old skali gus..
skjp ajr bdk 6 thun then pusing gi ajr 5 thun then 6 thun blik..
Haih.. huru hara..
nsib baik kls ptg 9 org je.. tp 4 years old bkn aku handle so tolak 2 org.

n ari ni first time blajr wat lesson plan..
dh jd ckgu dh sye ni ^ ^

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


dah lama aku x post kat blog ni..
adibah and farah..


semalam, baru je
aku balik dari 
rindu yg teramat
sampai x terungkap oleh kata-kata
but..i'll try k?
aku rasa cam baru je balik dari PH mesti rindu yang teramat nih!

aku pergi sana pon
sebab nak amik sijil SPM
alang2 tu melawat cikgu jap.
serious!! rasa rindu giler bila dah sampai kat sana
dengan cikgu homeroomku~
aiggooooo~ tersangat la best!!!

lepas tu,
jumpa dengan cikgu bm td,
lagi la bertambah excited!
ingatkan x dapat jumpa
sempat gelak2 dengan cikgu
paling x menahan,
cikgu nak perkenalkan aku 
dengan student dia, form 4
DAN anggap aku homeroom dia jugak
SANGAT terharu!!
nasib baik 
mama homeroomku xde time tu
klau x....

cikgu sempat lagi bincang pasal homeroom2 ni depan aku..
jilos sih!!
mana xnye...hari isnin..msti ada perjumpaan bersama homeroom 
akhirnya, aku luahkn kat cikgu
"cikgu, saya rindu la zaman sekolah ni. 
kalau u, kuurrreenng sikit.
saya nak join aktiviti sekolah"
cikgu pon
"kan saya dah kata.. pengalaman sekolah la paling best sekali,
walaupun penat dengan kerja sekolah.
akhirnya, terkeluar jgak dari mulut awk sendiri
zaman sekolah BEST!"

then, aku pk blik.
btol gak apa yang cikgu katakan.
pengalaman sekolah ni mmg..

sempat lagi cakap kat junior
"hargailah zaman sekolah korang.hahahah...."
cikgu setuju and nasihat diorang gak
tak pernah tengok cikgu sehappy tu
padahal, cikgu baru je balik dari klinik
well, anyway, i'm veeeerry happy and glad that u happy, teacher!!
cikgu, cepat sembuh ea??

tengah sembang2 tu,
aku teringat time cikgu ajar aku dulu
hahahahha...lawak kot.
setiap kali dia ajar dengan bertenaga
suara x yah ckp ar
kuat n jelas
tapi...apakan daya
mataku...selalu je nak tertutup
cikgu pon..
terus segar bugar satu badan

pernah ada satu masa tu,
time cikgu tengah marah satu kelas
pasal exam,
again, mataku...
dan cikgu pon,

dah la aku dok depan sekali kot
masalahnye, aku dengar cikgu cakap apa
tapi sedar2 mata dah tertutup
memang carik nahas la aku ni
dan cara aku menulis pon..
lebih kurang camni la
burrhhook ghupenye...hahaha disebabkan ini

tido smbil menulis!!

bukan kat sekolah je
habit ni berterusan sampai ke U
kawan2 gelak tengok tulisan aku
terbaek ar Anati!

senang kata, cikgu..
klau nampak je student dia tidur
dia akan jerit kuat2
nama orang tu
kelas aku ramai perempuan
lelaki 3 kerat je
so, xkesah sgt..
and, btw, ada satu masa tu
aku betul2 dah 
so, memang aku tertidur la jawabnye
and kali ni,
memang cikgu jerit nama aku
kuat giler...drpd biase
smpaikn kwn aku kat hujung kelas
xpasal2 dia pon kena
cikgu cakap..
tp kawan aku x tido pon sebenarnya

sorry dude!! ;P

cikgu2 mesti la 
nak tengok student dia berjaya en??
so, cikgu bm aku ni, 
suruh kitorang satu kelas
buat surat "AKU JANJI"
dan aku masih lagi simpan surat tu
tengok je surat tu,
rasa nak tergelak2+terguling2

cikgu suruh tulis ayat ni dan sambung ayat tu:
aku berjanji
akan mendapat A+
dalam subjek Bahasa Melayu.
sekiranya saya gagal berbuat demikian, 
saya akan........

so nak x nak,
kena la jugak buat.
so aku pon sambung ayat seperti diatas:
"...saya akan 
lompat bintang 
sebanyak lima kali"
nampak cam ridiculous je en?
tapi, aku rasa tu je yang termampu aku nak buat..
sebab...satu: hukuman yang x berat
kedua: membuatkan aku cergas sentiasa dlm kelas tu
ketiga: enjoy what???
cikgu pon time tu x kesa
so green light ar!!
bile ingatkan balik
peristiwa ni kat cikgu
cikgu memang tergelak2 la
rasa seronok tengok cikgu ceria macam tu
plus dapat cepatkan sembuh cikgu sakit
(i hope :]])

banyak lagi yang cikgu buat
and one of them
klinik BM la
semua familiar en dgn bnda ni??
dan saya salah seorang pesakitnya

btw, cikgu buat klinik tu malam
dan paling x menahan
bukan aku dan pelajar2 yang lain turut belajar malam tu


memang mengaco betul la!
x dapek aku nak concentrate.
yeah!! kucing daebakk!!!
hahahha..masuk celah2 kaki semua orang
memang semua focus kucing ar.

banyak lagi benda yang aku buat
dan bila ingat balik
TERAMAT la kelakar.
x cukup bagiku dengan menyebut perkataan tu
apa2pun, kepada yang masih bersekolah,
korang nak cakap xbest itu ini ke..
it's ok la..
itu normal la..
semua macam tu kot
and bile kenang balik
memang best ar
itu menjadikan pengalaman korg menarik
tapi jangan cakap sampai nak give up!
teruskan hidup!
tu namanye cabaran+dugaan+ pengalaman
sukar untuk dirasai
coz setiap orang lain rasa semua benda tu!

dan kepada semua yang dah habis zaman sekolah..
ingat jasa cikgu k??
n pengalaman tu jangan sesekali lupe 
walau pahit camne pon..
anati..ingat tu..hehehe..

i'm out!! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lelaki ke Perempuan?

Ade sorg studentku ni nme die
Emiel Esmenn..
(x silap)
Nme Emiel ni nme laki ke pompuan ek?
Bdk ni pnye la flower boy..
Umur bru 5 thun...
Mse mle2 aku tgk die ingtkn die pompuan tp trpk
gak la bdk ni laki ke pompuan..
mke cm pompuan tp prangai cm laki...
Mne xnye aku ingt die pompuan rmbut pnye la pnjg..
dh mcm pompuan aku tgk..

So aku assume die pompuan
tp die bkn main mesra ag ngan kwn die, Haikal.
(cm nme sorg kwn Tesl ni)
brpeluk pelukan la..
Aku pun tnye la..
"boyfriend ek?"
Die pun ckp "tak.. kwn"
msti die plik..
dh laki sme laki xkn nk ske2 enn...
Pastu die bkn nk ckp " laki ngan laki mne leh ske sme ske, teacher".
Kalo die ckp cmtu msti la aku taw die laki.
So aku dok pk die ni pompuan je la..
Tp prangai cm laki
so aku assume die ni tomboy..
Ksut pun gmbr spiderman..
Plik btoi..

Tbe2 mse nk blik.. Mk Zhi Jie dh smpai..
Zhie Jie sgt friendly n pnuh ngan tenaga.
Ptg2 ble amik die dr kete msti die ckp
"Good Morning, teacher"
dgn cerianya..
Comel sgt chinese boy nih..
Smbung blik td..
Mse mk Zhi Jie smpai, si Zhie Jie dok sebut
bye2 Ko ko kt Emiel.
Si Amar, ank Teacher Diyana ckp kt aku yg ko ko 2 mksudnye abg..
(mmg la.. sape xtaw tu enn..)
Aku plik..
(btw, Zhi Jie umur 4 thun x silap)
Die ni laki ke pompuan?
Aku tnye la die..
 die ckp die laki.
Awat rmbut pnjg sgt..
dh mcm pompuan lak..

Ntah knp mk si Emiel ni lmbt sgt dtg.
Emiel sorg je lom blik..
Aku dh x sbr nk blik ni..
Tbe2 ade la Chinese woman ni dtg tnye Emiel paham lak
pe yg Zhi jie ckp 2?
pggil die Ko ko..
Die pun msti ingt Emiel pompuan sbb msti die plik knp Zhie Jie pggil die Ko ko..
Teacher Mani suro die ptong rmbut..
Payah ni kalo mke dh cm pompuan.. 
Smpai aku pun ingt die pompuan..

Pengajarannye: kalo anda lelaki rmbut jgn trlalu pnjg smpai
mnyerupai perempuan especially kalo mke 2 dh mcm pompuan.. 
Hehe ^ ^

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Haven Learning

Yesterday was my first day working at Haven Learning Centre.
I had to wake up really early in the morning.
It was dreadful.
I didn't get enough sleep the night before.
I kept waking up every hour.
I remember waking up 3 a.m to the sound of my ringtone 
and it was diba.
She miscalled me at 3 a.m in the morning???!!!
Trtekan la 2..
Aih, kacau org tdo je diba ni..
I was really nervous that day.
Whan I got there, I didn't know what to do so I just sat down and wait.
Then kak Diyana instructed me to go downstairs with her.

Early in the morning..
A teacher has to wait downstairs for the kids to come
and then go to their cars, hold their cute little hands and bring them to the door.
It's for safety, I guess..
I think the first hand I held that day was Reza's.
He's my favourite student.
So cute!!
He looked a lot like my friend, Mikey.

It was an exhausting day..
I couldn't wait to go home and go to Jusco
to celebrate Diba's birthday but 
unfortunately, there was a meeting..
What? A meeting?
On my first day?
I had to go back late and ended not going to Diba's little birthday party.
Wuwuwuwu... ToT
It was raining heavily outside when the meeting was over
and it was time to go home..
The next morning, I didn't feel so well..
Demam dh ni.. tp demam2 pun gi keje ari ni..

Today was my second day..
I was so happy I got to hold Reza's cute little hand again..
I want to hug that boy so much.
And I got to see hime smile today..
that boy rarely smile and he doesn't talk much
but today, I heard his voice..
So cute..
During recess, when everyone was eating,
Reza offered me his Tiger biscuits..
Yay!!! \(^o^)/
Too bad I don't like biscuits..

I followed him around all day.. 
and he kept looking at me and I kept smiling at him..
he must think I'm weird..
Can I ever have a son like that?
Lmbat lg la farah..
lek luuu..

There's also this cute Chinese boy.
I like him.
He's really friendly.
Before class starts.. the kids have to dance.
Hehehe.. I usually would dance with the students in the morning..
(bdk2 wktu pg rmai n ade Reza.. heheheh)
I always stand at the back with reza..
Wah!!! I'm stalker.

Anyway, this Chinese's boy name is Sijay or something..
I don't know how to spell it.
He's a funny boy.
The other teachers like to bully him a lot.
Like today, when he was making noise while playing ..
The teacher asked him "who wplayed the slides/"
and he lied and said that it was Alif.
Teacher Diyana threatned him (bkn la serius btol2)
 that she would cut his tongue with the scissors
she was holding if he was lying..
He looked lie he was about to cry..
Then Teacher Kiren told him to plead and said 'sorry, teacher"
(dgn tgn mrayu2 lg)
and he did..
Then he said "I love you teacher" and
hugged her.
He was so cute!!!
I'm so lucky I get to hold his hand everyday, right?


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