How many of you have been through this?
You love someone but somehow deep
down inside you know that
you can never be with that person
because you know that
he or she is not destined for you.
I know...
Sad, isn't it?
But sometimes, that's how it is
and you can't change it.
It should be okay though because if that person
is not for you than there must be someone else better, right?
But yeah, at that moment when you still love him or her,
it would hurt a lot but don't worry
the wound will heal in time.
There's also those situations where you finally found
someone that you want to be with for the rest of your life,
someone you want to grow old with,
someone you want to be by your side when
you wake up every morning...
but you always worry if he's not the one.
You want him to be the one but you don't know
that he might not be the one, right?
So yeah..
It kinda sucks.
So what should you do?
Well, ummmm..
anyone have any answer to this question?
I'm not very experienced to give you guys advise
about love and relationships..
i like this entry!
kte pn alami bnda ni tp kte pn xtau nk heal dia
jus ykin jela yg tiap org dh ada psgn msg2
2 sume rhsia Allah
huhu.. solat istikharah ke kalo nk taw kte ptot plih mne satu? leh solat tp 2 sesuai kalo org 2 pinang kte an? hehe... ade gak doa utk jodoh an.. leh doa 2..
cm ne kte nk taw dia orgnya?
walaupun kte ada rasa dia bukan jodoh kte tapi kenapa dia dekat sgt ngn kte? sebgai contohnya
aishh,awk fhm ke apa yg kte try nk sampaikan ni
apa yg kte rse x smstinya 2 jdoh kte ye dak
istikharah x smstinya klu ada 2 org la
klu ada sorg je pn leh wt
spya nk tau adkh 2 org yg tpat
bella: btol2...
dibah: kte dgr ade doa utk jodoh.. leh bce doa 2..
i think the best thing is to sabar..for me, i try not to get caught up with anybody..
wuuuu~ anonymous.. mmbuatknku rse curious..
anonymous stays anonymous..simple..
ni la wat aku rse cm anonymous ni cm knal aku je.. ni la wat aku rse tkot ni..
u make us curious to know who u are anonymous?
anonymous.. anonymous.. pls don't be anonymous any more.. it's scary...
haha..relax..just a visitor..btw i failed at not getting caught up with anyone..
i think i know who u are.
adibah.. kte tkot...
anonymous: 2 la badjet je xnk get caught up with anyone.. hah.. ayok.. xtaw.. hang dh jatoh cnta.. kihkihkih.. aku ckp mcm aku ckp dgn awk lak.. hehehe
hmmmm...stuju dgn anonymous gak.. n solat istikharah tu x semestinya untuk hal sebegini..byk mende bole. n stuju ngn hidayah kata aritu.. klau dia x mncul lagi untuk kita, mungkin ALLAH tgh nk persiapkn dia supaya dia sempurna untuk kita...
wah!!! anati, sye kagum dgn awk.. yay!!! finally awk dh bkak blog!!
back in 1984 at maktab perguruan sultan idris,tg malim perak. i met him for the very first time.he was doing his houseman in ghkl while i was in my final year.the most interesting part was that he performed solat istikarah before coming to meet me. next yr will be our 25th wedding anniversary.
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