Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Bed is Cursed

Ever since I came home from UiTM for the semester's break,
something just doesn't feel right.
My bed.
Since I stayed at my college, who would sleep in my bed
during the night?
(sounds of thunder striking)
Okay, enough with the fake suspense.

The reason why I say my bed is curse because whenever
I lay on it I'd fall asleep even when it's still early.
I always fall asleep at 9pm or so and wake up at almost 11pm.
When I fell asleep again, I'd wake up really late like maybe at almost 2pm..
then I continue to sleep again till it's 3pm.
And whenever I'm sitting on my bedroom floor, studying,
I can't fight the urge to lie down on that bed of mine.
Conclusion: It's cursed...
(Dang dang dang)

That bed is killing me.
My back hurts from lying on it for so long.
My neck hurts too.
I'm telling you that bed is cursed and it's out to get me!!!
(Sounds of thunder striking)

Help me!!!
Before it's too late...
(Dang dang dang)


bellalala said...

bg kte sume katil ada sumpahan

Anonymous said...

aku punye bukan curse..tapi bed sick..sebab kan katil aku ni demam aku kena selalu jaga dia kan

so aku kena baring la kat katil tu

so aku tido!! macam biasa my life at home is just only 12 hours.. i slept until 1.00 p.m...
bangun2..buat kerja2..tengok tv..
n then sleep again at 1.00 a.m..haha

Anonymous said...

same here! my bed is also cursed!
somehow it lulls me to sleep
whenever I lie down on it.
I think that bed needs to be thrown away..

Macam bilik Edward (twilight)
tengok, dia tiada katil, dia pun tak tido XD
tah apa apa punya teori dah ni :)

farah said...

bella: x sume katil cuz ade katil yg x selesa..

dayah: hahah

nash: btol2.. curse you bed

anati said...

sjk mask asrama, tu la words yg paling famous...
siap ad yg kata katil sumpahan...
anyway, i loves my bed!!
hahaaha...disbbkn kita ske tdo je (mcm khj) hahaha so dh immune rsnye..hahaha..


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