Thursday, February 25, 2010


Honestly, aku bosan dgn idop aku.
Where's the fun? 
The excitement?
The Adventure?
Boring btol.
Kalo ari2 dpt jmpe kwn my life would have been
less dull and boring.
Atleast, I'd be able to laugh with someone instead
of  laughing alone infront of the laptop.
How pathetic.
I'm getting lonelier every second.

I feel so lonely,
Can somebody please tell me,
What can I do to be free,
From this loneliness,
From this emptiness,
That I feel in my heart,
Because it's tearing me apart.

I feel that so often,
It has become too much of a burden,
I need to be free,
I need to breathe,
This loneliness is suffocating me.

Free me.

Written by: Farah Munirah.

Seriously, walopon rmh ni bkn aku sorang je tinggal,
I still feel lonely.
Aku dgn adk aku pun x ckp sgt stiap ari.
Die gi sek pagi2.
Mlm die blajar smentara aku tgk citer korea.
Mk aku lak siang gi skolah mngajar.
Mlm bkak facebook.
Ayh aku lak...
I don't really get along with him.
Mgkin prangai kteorg ni kot x kamcing.
Dhla bday dkt2. 
Bday aku 24 sep. Ayh aku lak 25 Sep.
Serius aku xleh get along dgn ayh aku.
Aku cpt rse mrh dgn die.
Mse Spm die nk ajr aku kimia. Asyik gado jela.

Skrg ble dh x ajr, ayh aku ske mcm mngata la ble
aku tgk citer korea. 
Ntah knp aku xleh get along dgn ayh aku.
Lonely je aku kt rmh ni dlm dunia aku.
Adibah asyik keje je..
Sibuk la..
Xleh kaco die.
Aku sdih la..
Feeling lonely is very unpleasant.    


hypersyaza said...

sian awk farah.
sabar je la...

try buat aktiviti ape2 sementara tu

faradibanati said...

Dh lme aku sbr. X thn dh.


faradibanati said...

farah...huhu.sedih oo
kte bce awk nye post...
hurm....tu la kalo boleh mmg kte
mencari masa utk kte bertiga spend mse bersama...hurmm...
plan nk g sunway tu pun kte still usahaka...jgn risaw kal konfem sume kte bg taw awk ok?



Anonymous said...

Kta tmpang rse smpati ngn awk..klau awk rse ks0rngn awk wat la n0vel ke..wat 1 bl0g utk awk tls n0vel dlm 2..ak akn setia mmbca! Hee..

faradibanati said...

Wei, wat cmtu pun lonely gak..


faradibanati said...

I hate this feeling right now!!!!!
everything is screw up!!!!

anybody help me!!!!


faradibanati said...

Wei, Adibah. Sbb aku mention nme ko dlm post ko rse brslh pulak ke? Jgn ah cmtu.. Ko mcm la x knal aku. I'm always lonely la..


faradibanati said...

wei,farah..xde kaitan ngn awk laa..
nk luahkn perasaan kte x puas hati kat bgus kalo kte x pernah
berkawan ngn dia? kn bgus....

susah betul la nk berkawan ngn dia ni..huhuhu..


faradibanati said...

Ek eleh.. rpenye ko bkn riso psl aku. Ceh!! Wei, the pain will pass la.. Be patient.

Ape lak yg die wat kli ni?


anisss said...

farah,u know what
people are lonely bcoz they build walls instead of bridges
heheh. come on farah!
break the walls now!
msti ada jln utk awk bina jambatan utk keluar di loneliness tu..huhu
and jln tu kena brmula dari, rmh awk sndiri
there must be somethings that might help u
hah kite ada lg 1 utk awk,

“Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.”

anisss said...

ada trsalah taip kat atas tu
senanye nak tulis

"msti ada jln utk awk bina jambatan utk keluar DARI loneliness tu"


faradibanati said...

kte x rse lonely kalo kwn2 kte yg tgh ade kt sbelah kte ni (anati, adibah, fadhilah) ade. Korang x msuk list sbb sape suro korang x dtg? lu pk la sndiri!!! assalamualaikum

-farah cantik-

bellalala said...

err sorila
ktorg xnk pn msuk list tu

faradibanati said...

Ske ati korang lah...


Anonymous said...

your poem didn't work to me
although i usually feel like that, i think you're different...

kamu itu engga KESEPIAN, kalo menurut aku pribadi kamu cuma ngga bisa menerima kehidupan kamu.

-anonymous contrucism critic-

faradibanati said...

uish!! dgr tu fara!! hahaha..apa2 pon..try buat bnda yg bleh menghappykn awk...first skali kn accept lu hidop awk ni...n bersyukur..lps ni lagi bosan..kita dh makin far apart ngn try spent time ngn family..pesanan> 2 bnda manusia selalu lupa iaitu nikmat sihat n nikmat masa lapang< dh terang2 diboldkn masa lapang..n try appreciate it..huhu..bila besa nnti kita gak yg akn regret...fikir2kn la...hehe..slamat mmbc!!


faradibanati said...

seriously, who is this dude? ksepian ke x pduli ape aku.. yg aku taw aku x epi.. mmg ah aku x brape ske dgn idop aku. Sape ske idop trpergkap dlm rmh.. tp an anonymous ni.. aku bygkn yg die 2 laki n bkn sbaye dgn aku. Mcm lbih tua je.. Hmmm... Apsl post ni je die tiba2 nk komen? dang, dang, dang... (music suspen)


faradibanati said...

lain kali plan la aktiviti ye since kte dah quit keje..hahaha

ske la tu farah kte dah quit..haha



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