Drp duk deppressed psl cnta pd laki bikla kte put some
of that love on shoes. Wakakaka!!
Mcm dlm BOF, kak Unni 2 ckp
"good shoes take u 2 good places"
Wah! Dlu aku x minat sgt dgn kasut
tp skrg ni dh ske pulak dh.
Aku ingt lg mse tusyen kt Ceria Maju thun lps aku
slalu gak ah tgk kaki org.
Kaki pmpuan ah.
Tgk depe pnye ksut.
Spatotnye fokus pd plajarn.
Man, I am a SLACKER!!!
Antara ksut yg aku ske.
(Kalo la aku ade closet pnuh dgn ksut mcm kt tv 2. Heaven!)
(Shoe Heaven!!!)
Love this shoe. Do they come in pink?
Or white, maybe?
I so WANT this shoe!!!
Love it!!!
Love this shoe!
I need this shoe more than I need food!
Just kidding~
I kinda like it!
I mostly like to wear ballet flats.
As you can see most of the pictures are
of ballet flats.
You gotta love shoes right.
They protect ur feet and sometimes YOU!
Because of the high heels..
Man, those shoes are pointy.
U can kill people with those things.
In conclusion, shoes protect women.
(Mainly because high heels r so pointy)
But high heels r not always good u know.
I think they're bad 4 ur back.
Who cares! As long as u wakk in style.
Hahahah. kte suke kasut coklat awk yg awk slalu pakai ke tucen tu
Kasut coklat yg dh lme kte x pkai 2? Dh buruk kot ksut 2.. Hehe...
weh,farah..best gak post awk kali ni..kte ingt pas ni kte nk buat collection kasut la plak..
huhu...asyik shopping baju jer..
eh, Dibah. Awk x keje ke? Kte start keje esk
hari ni kte keje mlm la...
masuk kul 6.30 ptg smpai 11.00 mlm..
huhuhu........taw la kte nk offline dah ni...hehehhehe........
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